Tuesday 30 December 2014

Cairns Part 2

So this will be my second to last post of this year of 2014

so this week I have done a couple of different things, firstly on Monday I went along to another movie, this time  I went to see Water Diviner which is directed by Russell Crowe it is such a brilliant and fantastic movie, I enjoyed it a lot , I thought that it was done just perfectly ::).

On Tuesday, I went along to the Cairns Tropical Zoo for a few hours, that was pretty good, I had went last time that I was in cairns, but for some reason my photos had all disappeared, there were lots of interesting animals there, I watched the flight show  as soon as I got there, there were a few birds that were apart of the show like the magpie, kite, Barking owl and my favourite the wedge tail eagle, such amazing birds. Also saw a snake show, and learnt a little bit about Koalas and Wombats and how they are related to each other, I stayed until I had seen all the animals there and feed some Kangaroos :).   I love Zoos :) ,

there are still a few more  things I would love to do in Cairns before I head to Townsville

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