Wednesday 24 December 2014

Cairns Part 1

So Have officially started my lovely holiday break in the wonderful city of Cairns, arrived in Cairns at 2300 hours on thursday the 18th, was a bit of a boring flight, but was good anyhow, there was what felt like at that time of the night, the most longest walk ever from getting off the aeroplane and, heading inside the terminal.

The next day, since dad was going to work i just relaxed  around the house for a little bit,

on saturday i went into the city with my dad and his girlfriend, stopped at the cairns central shopping centre,  did a little bit of shopping for myself, then i decided while i was waiting to be picked up that i would head for a wee walk into the city, along the esplanade a little bit, doing a little bit of sight seeing even though i have seen most of the stuff before :)

the next day on sunday went for a nice small trip to Palm Cove, it was a lovely day there and we walked along the beach and Jetty/Wharf for a little bit, then got some ice cream and walked along the beach which was very nice, later on in the day we went out for dinner to a place called La Porchetta, which was a nice place to eat, then after dinner we went to several houses and looked at Christmas lights.

Yesterday i went into the city and went on a bus tour just around seeing different places of cairns which was pretty interesting.

So with today being Christmas Eve, i am now currently in a little town just outside of innisfail to spend christmas day with my dad's girlfriend's family, and on boxing day we are heading up to Herberton to see and visit my grandad and nanna, can't wait.

I wish everyone  a very wonderful Christmas Day :)

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