Tuesday 20 January 2015

First Post for 2015

So finally decided to type up this post, 

I feel that these 20 days of the new year have gone very slow, that may be because I have  actually been feeling a little bit bored,

this year already I have seen two movies, the first one I went to see with my dad  it was the last and final The Hobbit the movie was actually pretty good, it still stuns me as to how Peter Jackson was able to make the hobbit book into 3 long movies, but I found them all enjoyable.

The other movie I went to see was called The Imitation Game that stars Benedict Cumberbatch this was such an amazing and wonderful movie I enjoyed it a lot :).

I have been to the beach a few times near where my dad lives, and have also been just relaxing,  and every now and then heading into the city  for a little bit,

Cant wait till this Saturday as I will be heading down to Townsville and will be back with the family and little Mr J which I am looking forward too, its quite funny how I have actually been missing him while I have been away  on holiday so I cant wait to  get back to the family and to also explore Townsville, make new friends and to also catch up with the friend that I haven't seen in years :) :) :)

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