Friday 27 February 2015

New City, New Adventure

So finally getting back on to updating :)

Now as of the 26th Janurary i am now living in Townsville, which i must say is a pretty lovely city,
On the 24th dad drove me down to Townsville from Cairns, we stopped at a few different places alomg the way, most of them being driver free tea and coffee places.

We stopped in a place called Cardwell for a bit as well, had a look at the Battle of Coral Sea memorial, which was interesting, and a look along the water front of the main part of the town, we then stopped at the Hinchinbrook lookout.

On the trip down it had started raining and even quite heavly at some point too,
We stopped for ice cream at a place called frosty mango, it was very nice there, i had a soursop and chocolate which was delicous :).

Once we arrived to Townsville we went at got settled at the camping ground we were staying in for a few days, afterwards we headed into the city for a bit, went and looked at Castle Hill, with the lovely views of Townsville, it was a bit cloudy but lovely as well :),
Then we had dinner at a place called T.U.B.E which does burgers, i had a very nice chicken caesar
Which was very good.

The next day which was a nice sunny day we went back up Castle Hill, and did a few of the walks, followed by walking along The  Strand, where we had lunch at a place called Longboard, the meals there were quite nice,

Later we went for a drive out to a place called bowling green national park

And to try watch the sunset went up to MT Stuart, which gave an amazing view of Townsville.

And so on the next day which also happened to be Australia Day i was reunited with My host family, i was very happy to be back :), and got loads of cuddles from Little J who seemed to have changed quite a bit the whole month was gone.

We were staying in an apartment for a week before we could move into our new house,

Durimg that week i also got to catch up with my friend Sara, which was great it had been so long since we had seen each other about 10 years at first it was a bit awkward because we had talked so much through texting we had no clue what to talk about, also meet her 3 children  which was fun

The new house is just great there is quite a big pool.

So now after a few weeks the house is in shape, and looks more like a home then to begin with, when boxes were scattering the place.

Couple of weeks ago i meet up with another Au Pair who is from Switzerland, she lives on Magnetic Island, we talked for ages while walking along the strand, stopped for some very nice ice cream as well, then we checked out the Aquariam which i have to say is pretty awesome, it was a pretty fun day.

So i have been quite happy with getting back into working again which has been good :).

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