Friday 30 May 2014

the last three weeks

So sadly a few weeks ago my contract got terminated as the family no lomger wanted me to work with them any longer, I was really quite upset about it,  as I didnt think that was going to happen at all,
I was then worried about what I should do next contacted both the agencies I was apart of and neither one of them were helpful at all im fact I never heard from the New Zealand agency until  a week after I emailed them and all I got was the excat same thing, no families were avaliable in germany dont think they really looked, and becaiee I said I would like to stay in berlin, that I should look into finding other jobs to do working with children where I can speak english, or I look for a family myself which I has started doing,  found a different place to search for another host family that seems to work so much better than the agencies,  which I will never go with ever again, after being let down by them in regard into wanting some actual helpso I looked for families in Germany,  UK, Austria and also Nederlands I wasnt ready to give up, and I actually had much more contact with families than I ever did before which was amazing, I have now Happily found myself a new family that live in Brighton in the UK so excited now after it has been a very stressful, frustrating few weeks

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