Saturday 10 May 2014

SANDEMANs New berlin tours

The tours that this company run in berlin are just soooooooo amazing the tour guides are fantastic with so much information and history that they give you through out the whole of the tour I have so far been on 5 since I have been here, I first went om the third reich tour which was super, Sadie was the tour guide for this tour, I loved the way she gave to tour by splitting it into 3 parts, the first was of the different memorials to the different people effected during the third reich,  the second part looked at the 4 major leaders and lastly was the old Jewish Quarter of Berlin.
The second tour was the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp memorial tour, this was another really great tour, with just so much information about every aspect of the camp from the begining until it was liberated,  the tour guide for this was Rob from Manchester another great tour guide.
Third tour I finally decided to do the free walking tour and on this tour we went around to some of the great sites around berlin, loved this tour so much  history was given, the tour guide for this was called George, awesome guide.
For the fourth tour  this was the Red Berlin tour,  this was great has you had a look at east germany that was being run by the soviets at the time, how they lived and so on, looked at how the wall come about and ended the tour at the east side gallery longest remaining part of the wall tour guide was brilliant as well called Lewis.
And lastly the last tour I did was with Leen she was quite super as well as a tour guide, the tour I did with her was the Alternative city tour it was awesome going around looking at all the different street art, and so much more

These tours are just fantastic and im going to do the other tours that are left aswell :)

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