Thursday 23 October 2014


So since my last post,

Jonathan had his first birthday which was just great, his grandma (esmee's mum) and come all the way from melbroune although she was only just back from the states, on the day after she had arrived we went out for lunch at Findlay's store, i had a very tasty pasta dish that actually ended up being far too big for me to even eat :). over the next few days we set up decorations for the party, and also one of Jonathan's Aunties came for his party as well, so there was a pretty full house.

The party was pretty good as well, although not very many did show up, the party was great anyhow, the day of the party though i did end up with getting a cold which ended up being stuck with me for over  a week which was just not fun at all, for a few days all i had wanted to do was sleep, the cold had just made me sleepy as :)

So over the week, whilst i hadn't done all that much other than doing some work and also studying as well,

although because it was a free entry day, i did go along with the Family to the territory wildlife park which was pretty cool, it was a hot day, and also very busy, didn't see to many animals, but will be going back again another day to have a look around at other animals.

so i now have a few days to yourself, going to get a lot of study done and also catch up with a few friends which i am looking forward too :)

PS i must so it is just amazing watching a child develop and being there during their milestones, especially with Jonathan who when i started was just crawling at moving around objects, and now he is full on walking, and slowly beginning to talk which is just fantastic

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