Thursday 9 October 2014

An Update :)

I am just loving my time in Darwin :)

I have also made so many different friends too whilst i have been here which has just great, a lot of Au Pairs from Germany but many other countries as well, i have made a few good friends with one from South Korea, a few from Germany,  one from the Uk, as well as the US and Italy.

It is just great being able to make friends from different places around the world, especially through being Au pairs, because then you can also explore the country you are in as well, with a great group of people :).

This is one great thing about being an au pair other than working with great children and also meeting great people along the way.

the other day i went on a pretty good tour around the city of darwin, of course it is nothing like the walking tours in Berlin. but it was a good tour all the same it went for either an hour or 90 mins, and you were on a bus, the best thing about the tour was the fact that you could get a ticket for 24 hours or 48 hours which is pretty good which meant you could get on or off at the stops that the bus made and get back on it, using the same ticket.

also checked out the darwin military museum which was just fantastic :)

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