Monday 14 April 2014

moving into my third week here :)

Been here in the lovely fantastic city of Berlin for two weeks and I am totally enjoying I am slowly settling in, and getting into a small routine and establishimg some rules with rosa so things can go smoothly :) during the year that I am here My flight into berlin went really well 0, although was a bit bumpimg was amazing to watch out the window while we were flying over most of Europe, the plane had actually arrived a bit later than its scheduled time, i was feeling a bit exhausted, was happy omce I got through customs and then collected my bag which actually ended up with one less lock than it started with. Marina and Rosa were both there to greet me when I arrived wh7ch was just great was happy about that, we caught a taxi back to their apartment which is just sooo nice then I was shown my room had some dinner and chatted for a bit before heading to bed and updating facebook I had slept in a bit the next day, I went for a bit of a walk and exploring moment as well as getting myself a sim card, later that day I spent some time with Rosa, the next day I had my first shopping experimce that was good, im now able to do this by myself, already have my bank account sorted Im registered with the local authorities in the area of Berlin that I am in called Pankow Im now a pro at tue transoort system after using it only once to head into Berlin for a day, In the next post I will go over some of the sightseeing :) I have even already meet another au pair which was great I am loving guten abend and guten morgen tea as well as spring tea, lieber wrüst, pretzels so far that is all :) .... more updates soon

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