Wednesday 26 February 2014

second family :) :)

Sooo after whatseem a very long wait I got an email today from q famolymin Colonge it xounds like a great and interesting family, so im going to be ejail them back :)......

first family

So I got my first contact from a family in germany was so totally excited they see, ed like an interestimg family they lived in Karlsruhe we decided to sort out a skype converstation after sorting ojt when thhe best time for to do it with the tkme differences , so on that same week10am my time we had the skype converstation it seemed to have gone very well,ass they se3med realcnice in person and everythingn they talked about seemed great....... Although later on it was decided that it was goingmto workcout, I felt ok about that as I was thinking that it was going a bit fast :) Better luck with the next f a mily

Tuesday 25 February 2014


So about a week into the new year I had contactmwith the german au pair cokpany it took awjile as had skype issues to begin with the first time we had the interview I was so nervous main reason was because I never have hadma interview at 10pm :) So because of thr skype issuses we rescheduled it for the next day where once again we were meet with skype issuses ended having to male it a phone call, it went will though Then I had to wait a bit longer for both au pair companies to talk with each other to decide on the best families