Monday 24 November 2014

New Update part one

So it has now been nearly 3 months since i have been with this pretty awesome family :)

what an exciting month November has been so far :),
I have hung out with a few more Au Pairs again, meet a new au pair called Sandra who is from Germany, we went to the water front for lunch, had a pretty large burger that ended up being just far to much to eat, afterwards we walked a little bit along the waterfront checking out the fridge festival that was going on, which was pretty interesting,

the fridge festival was just pretty much, art work done with fridges that no one uses anymore, which was pretty cool, there was a doctor who one of the police box.

After looking at the fridge festival, we walked along the esplanade for a little bit, chatting away, afterwards headed back home.

over the next few days i spent studying and looking after Jonathan,  i also managed to sit my exams as well, so now i have officially finished studying for the year which is just great, so now i can do more sightseeing around Darwin and also read a few more books :).

I have also caught with my friend from Italy Vale, we went to Crocudylus park, which was pretty good, tried crocodile meat for the first time, it really only tasted like fish, but it was yummy, also had the chance to hold a baby crocodile,
there were so many other animals there as well which was great, there were some lovely White lions, dingo puppies as well as beautiful Timor ponies :)

The next day i went and hung out with my other great friend Dilan at the Palmerston shopping centre, we first had coffee and chatted, looked around then ended up having lunch, that was a lot of fun :)

that is the end for part one at the moment, part two is full of Adventure

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