Tuesday 2 September 2014

A week

So my  first week of being in the lovely city of Darwin has gone just great it has been hot around 32 degrees but has not been to unbearable.
Havent been doing too much just slowly gettimg to know the routine and gettimg used amd havimg "Little Bug" gettimg used to me which is goimg pretty good, i have being getting a lot of cuddles from him, and enjoying playing lots of games and having fun with touchable bubbles outside which just sat on the lawn or in the trees for ages which was pretty funny .
I even had a go and babysiting him for a night whilst E &S went out for a date night, that was quite alright since "Little Bug" was put down to bed before they had left so i had to just listen out for him, he only woke uo once and so i settled him down and put him down to sleep again which went alright

Watched the new Doctor Who that night as well.
 Even had a look around the area that i live in that has a lovely wee walk to go on.

Yesterday went on a wee trip into town with E and we went to an area first called Cullen Bay and then went to an area called East point which was pretty interesting had a lot of interesting WWII fortifications in the area bonus in my book :), then we went out to where a big gun turret is, awesome :) :), and afterwards we stopped at Fannie Bay Coolspot and had an iced chocolate with a blueberry chessecake and then went to pick up "Little Bug" from daycare.

Today i spent the day running through "Little Bug" s routine from giving him breakfast, bottles, putting him to bed at separate times in the day, spending time playing with him, making lunch and dinner for him and also bath time this was to just get us both used to each other while doing the routine as well, which just went great :)

Over next couple of days i will be doing my first aid course :)

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