Wednesday 27 August 2014

Hello Darwin

Finally after what felt to be a slightly long flight i have, although not as long as when i headed to Berlin,

at 6am i flew from Christchurch to Sydney, it took almost forever to get through the check in at the christchurch airport.

the flight to Sydney was good, i was in the middle seat so i didn't see much out of the window, i got free entertainment so i watched a movie, the movie that i watched was Planet of the Apes (2001) it was a good movie.
also had breakfast which was pretty average breakfast, eggs, baked beans, sausages and fruit but with a good cup of tea to go with it :).
once we landed in Sydney it was a nice day but cold and wet, didn't end up taking all that long to go through customs and get my bag before i headed off to find the train to be able to head to the domestic terminal that i needed to get too, after that i got myself all checked in quickly ffor my last flight then i just pretty much relaxed and waited before i could go, had a wee snack and checked out the Qantas heritage centre which was pretty cool to learn about the long history of the airline.

The flight out of sydney which left there at 12pm, was very bumpy as it was very cloudily and happily i got the window seat i watched a movie called Captain America: The WinterSolider which was actually pretty good to watch, i had also watched a little bit of Call the midwife, sherlock, Big Bang Theory and listened to a bit of Johnny Cash as the plane was coming into land

Had such a yummy lunch on the plane it was just great Roasted pumpkin pasta, with creamy spinach sauce it was just great mmmm

its so cool flying over the length of Australia because the landscape changes a lot  and it looks just great

flying into Darwin was ok expect when we went to land think that the pilot went a bit fast as we skidded hard the the plane went sideways.

Esmee and wee Johnathan was there waiting for me which was great, didn't feel the heat either for awhile once i arrived, i was pretty exhausted by the time i got there, we went to have a coffee and a yummy carrot cake, then headed back to their very lovely house and just relaxed for a bit. :)

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